Complaints Procedure

Last updated June 2024.

We strive to provide you with a high level of service, ensuring there are no barriers to reporting instances of dissatisfaction. We have a clear process for responding to and resolving customer complaints.

We are committed to being responsive to the needs and concerns of our customers and will ensure that all customers are treated fairly and ethically, ensuring all issues are addressed promptly.

All Complaints will be investigated competently, diligently and impartially; be assessed fairly, consistently and promptly; and all relevant factors will be taken into account.

If you are not entirely satisfied with the service you have received from us, please let us know your concerns.

How can I complain?

If you wish to make a complaint you can call, email or write to us at;

E-mail us:

Write to us: Sorodo Limited, St Andrews Park, Queens Lane, Bromfield Industrial Estate, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XB.

What details do you need?

To help us investigate your complaint, please provide us with your Name, Address, Email, Contact Number and full details of your concern.

If your complaint relates to any product or service you’ve received from a third party or have any complaint regarding any third party, such as a lender with whom we have placed business, we will refer details of the complaint to the third party and confirm this course of action to the complainant you in writing providing you with the other party’s contact details.

What happens when we receive the complaint?

All written complaints will be acknowledged by our Complaints Manager in writing within three business days of receipt.

How long will it take to resolve?

We will always aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, sometimes, we will not be able to resolve your complaint in the first instance, and further investigation will be required. We will keep you informed on the progress of the investigation by writing to you no later than four weeks after your initial complaint to let you know the outcome of our investigations.

We are committed to ensuring that you receive a final response letter detailing the outcome of our investigation within eight weeks of receiving your complaint.

If we receive confirmation that you are satisfied with the findings and outcome of the investigation, the complaint will be considered to be closed by the Complaints Manager. Where no confirmation has been received from the complainant within eight weeks of our final response, the complaint will also be considered closed

What if I’m not satisfied and / or we can’t resolve the complaint in eight weeks?

If you are not happy with our final response, or we have not provided a response within eight weeks you can ask us for a formal review by writing to us: Complaints Manager, Sorodo Limited, St Andrews Park, Queens Lane, Bromfield Industrial Estate, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XB.

You may also contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) after the passing of eight weeks following the complaint, we will cooperate fully with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) in the management of all customer complaints.

Address: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123



You have a maximum of 6 months from the date of our final response to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

If your complaint relates to the way we’ve handled your data, you may also contact The Information Commissioner’s Office.

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